Saturday, July 27, 2013

Glen's VLEXs weathering by Barcoola

Hi All

Here is a couple of shots of Glen's VLEX in the initial stage of weathering by barcoola.



Thursday, July 25, 2013

More Aucision ABFXs weathering by Barcoola

Hi All

I have weathered more of my ABFXs, I have been experimenting with the roof rust patterns, these will probably not be used on Alice Springs, I already have enough for current operations, however, they will come in handy on Barcoola and any future AN layout.

Note the slightly different hues of faded green.



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wegmann relay van kitbash from a IHC Smooth Side Roomette

Hi All

I bought a couple of these IHC Smooth Side Roomette with the vision of making some reasonable looking relay vans, for example this BRFD. This model looks the part, with the exception of the window locations and looking at the prototype is was obvious that the model version is just too long.  So the first thing I have done is removed 30mm (2.6HO scale metres), from the length.

This is a work in progress, here are some shots of one I have cut down, the other is in the original length.



Monday, July 22, 2013

Alice Springs milestone reached

Hi All

A week ago, Peter turned up to say g'day and check out his new "Mafia boss black" Merc.
After catching up we discussed various problems, and it was obvious that Alice Springs needed as much aisle width as it can get.  Peter's layout is N scale, and during operations he recommended nothing less than a metre.  Going back to my current plan there was a pinch point that was right at the wrong spot.  This was not going to work.
After playing dominoes with the boards I have already built, I cam up with a slightly modified version, this allows for slightly over 3 ft aisle, much better way of doing things.

I did this by removing the 3ft by 5ft board and shifting the other two boards north to mate with the side of the end of Alice Springs yard.
Please see below, to photos that illustrate the final configuration.

I have also built the legs for these three new boards, thus at this point in time, I have completed all the woodwork for Alice Springs.

I have ordered points and tracks, for this new addition and the fiddle yard.  All I need now is a new shipment foam so that I can get the layout to the next level of completion.



Sunday, July 21, 2013

More AFIYs AFWYs for Alice Springs and Barcoola, thanks Mr Athearn

Hi All

Athearn has made the C channel side version with the 40ft trailer positions, I bought a thirteen of these awhile back and got around to giving them their first coat of AN green.

 DL43 and GM30 shunt the "new" Athearn AFIYs into Alice Springs Gantry road 2.

The only modifications to these wagons I have made so far is replacement of the plastic couplers with "Old reliable" Kadee number fives....

