Saturday, June 22, 2019

Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition 2019 report.

Hi All

Murray River Bridge attended this year's Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition.

It was very refreshing to chat to a stack of Blog and Youtube followers.
there must have been at least 10 people a day, came up and chatted to me about the activity and that they were following the progress.

it is amazing just how much reach these tools have and who is watching.

The layout itself performed well, except the Cobalt SS point motors, a couple of them were continually getting out of calibration.
I am not sure that I have a fix for it right now, its very much a PITA.
Luckily this is at just one end of the layout.

Just about every train was stalked by cameras, phones or video cameras, it was hard to just find space to do your own filming!

I met some great enthusiastic modelers, Des, Tony (ex PUG cop), Jay (a young modeler with great ideas, he is doing a 3d model of a 2000 class railcar, really impressive work), Clive Huggins he was inspiration to me in building track, I read the print of his articles all those years ago, I am really happy he is still active, and he loved MRB, got the concept of the layout, what a gentleman!
The usual suspects, from FB, Dave, Tony, John, Damien,and Shaneo (we had a good chat regarding his future layout plans, he has lots of space and focused ideas).
Ron and Roger from the exhibition organisation committee.

The exhibition itself did not have as much SA content as I had expected.

There was one ultra modern layout that was very interesting in concept.  Crystal Brook (Warnertown end).

The award wining Black River from Tasmania (I was hoping that it was a replication of the location)
never the less, a very detailed layout.

The stalwart Strathburn.

I am glad we made the effort to attend, I know the attendees enjoyed the show.

thanks to John and Katie, Helen, Elly, Glen and Doug for their support.


Friday, June 21, 2019

Murray River Bridge Model Railway Layout Changes

Hi All

I decided to make some changes to board number 1, modify the tunnel and add the Pub.  Fred from Orient Express was the instigator of these changes, it his fault! 
Here is a consolidated look at the changes that have been made to Murray River Bridge, these debuted the Adelaide Model Railway Exhibition 2019:

Parts 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Doing the roads!

Part 5

Almost complete

Current configuration. Apologies for the camera shake, its really hard to get good shots of your own layout at the Adelaide exhibition.

