Tuesday, April 2, 2019

GWAs Port Lincoln Division trip 2019

Hi All

Here are some shots of our resent trip to the GWAs Port Lincoln Division.

On Monday the 25th we found 905 873 850 and 1203 busy in Port Lincoln yard assembling today's train.
905 873 850 and 1203 work the yard as 1204 pushes 1602 back into the workshops.
Rudall bound at Coomunga
near Wanilla

At the 119Km Post
At the 129Km Post
At the 129Km Post

Arriving at Rudall
Next morning the 26th assembling the train, to service the Cummins bunker.  1204 went for the ride for a shakedown.
On the return at the 30Km Post.
A gaggle of Gunzels at the 30Km Post.
just outa town.
Arriving at Port Lincoln.
906 shunting the dumpers at Port Lincoln.
27th of March at the 60Km Post
Salty Creek
104Km post
Salt pans near Kynacutta
29th of March just out of Port Lincoln
Bridge near Prime road.
Near Rudall
Rudall bunker with Gunzels
906 dumping "silvers" HANs on the morning of the 30th of March
907 GWN005 lead an empty to Iron Knight
One of the railfans we met on the Port Lincoln division said the Iron Knob line was closed, so we are surprised when we got this train from Iron Knob. GWN002 and 1302 on a loaded.

GWN001 and 1301 passed Iron Knob Junction on their way to Iron Baron.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Rudall South Australia ultra modern detail shots

Hi All

For those that need to be obsessive about things, I am looking at a small layout on a ultra modern version of Rudall (pronounced) Rud -dal.
This location is on the soon to be closed Eyre Peninsula "lower" region. 
Rudall is great for watching the train reverse and accomplishing a double shunt.  The train is longer than the single double ended siding, thus requires the double shunt.
It seems that the bunker at the south end of town is the main reason for these trains, I would guess that the town silos are only for any overflow.

I have been slowly collecting rolling stock for such a layout.