After the Sydney exhibition we went north, it had been a long time between drinks, checking out the coal roads. Wow things have really changed, QRN is here to stay!
90 class locomotives now only seem to come in threes, I guess you can only buy them pre weathered and in a 3 pack?
All I can say is QRN is everywhere up here.
crew self portrait!
And Glen has his own train, Glencore! No Scottcore, Davecore or Dougcore, just Glencore.
Blue or black?
Desert runners, now working a Pelton Coal job, as the crew accept the modern version of NSW train control operations. Oh the indignity!
If you weathered this in model form like this, people would say you have gone too far!
TTs off the Mt Thorley branch.
TT double cross?
Interesting QRN cross over livery on this one.
I am guessing the fiddle yard is just around the corner, and it is filling up, the join in the photo backdrop is well hidden!
QRN job has an audience.
Too bloody hot to bother taking shots of three TTs I sort of agree with Dave, you can see Doug on the other abutment! Glen we should have been in the Pub!
Enjoy Scott