Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More Tyobic Victoria shots

Please excuse Doug's weathering on the cement pots, NQR...

One of the advantages of foam, both of these cuttings are 100% foam.

Its flat out at Tyobic station, that's Peter's sheep vans in the background.



Barcoola season greetings

Hi All

From Barcoola we wish you all greetings of the season.
We hope that Santa has brought you something to make you smile.

Also to let you know that Glen was not involved in the derailment north of Kathrine NT.

Heres the GWI link.

If you are wondering why email replies don't seem to work. Its just because I have missplaced by log in, so my appoliges on that ome.
I will furnish a new email address soon.

Anyway, next year I will try to kick it up a notch.



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eastern Goldfields Railway WA

Hi All

Check out this website

Glenn is modeling the West Kalgoorlie industrial sidings, good reference pictures and design. Nice work Glenn!



Strath Hobbies double deck car carrier

Hi All

Here is a kit that I am actually looking forward to giving this a go.

Heres the contents of the kit. Nice neat work, perfect for Alice Springs.



Alice industrial continues

The west end of the yard, to the left is the Boral siding, between this and the NTFS and the indrustrial branch lead. In the forground is the west end of the main yard.

Track all laid out and ready for adhesive.

The little section of the layout. Note the "rare breed" containers are simulating the Adelaide Brighton Cement plant.



Tyobic extra shots

Hi All

Some more Tyobic pictures

A short stock train wanders into Tyobic

A single C class thumps through town.

A panoramic shot of Tyobic, a good feeling of distance. Spot on.



Tyobic pictures CM didnt make it.

Hi All

To celebrate the publication of the Tyobic Article in Continental Modeller, here's some extra pictures of Tyobic. For your interest.

Doug wagon's of immaculate conception make an appearance.

An S class wanders into Tyobic, while a C class waits in the Goods loop, got to love that diamond crossing!

a Kiss class wanders through parched fields near Tyobic.

One of my favorite picutures. A C class hounds down the level crossing at the down end of town, with a short grainy. The truck driver just made it. While still in the yard, two jobs go about their business.



Alice industrial progress part 3

Hi All

More possitioning stuff before the final cut.

With 603 in the background, this is the BP terminal location.

Near the west end of the industrial area I have managed to re locate the NTFS depot complete with siding.

603 at the Mobil siding, the Sheel tanker is just for possitioning purposes.



Alice industrial area part 2

Hi All

Some more progress pictures

The trackage was all roughed out before final cutting of track and application of adheasive.

The track in the forground is the Caltex siding, behind that is the Mobil siding.

The drain was replicated in foam, with the base of 30mm foam, then the colverts were cut in using a sharp stanley knife.

The wiring can be seen feeding through the foam base.



Alice industrial area progress

Hi All

Here is some long overdue progress pictures

The more compliacted end boards

Two of the industrial area boards with foam inserts

To ensure the ends have a good anchor to the protector ends I have inserted t nuts prior to installation of the foam on all boards.

The Mobil siding board, not the cut out for the drain, that goes right through the industrial area and yard. Hole cut outs are for the points and the wiring connectors.



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Alice Springs progress

Hi All

Just to let you know, I have finished the Alice Springs industrial area boards, and have it up in the Train room. One board has all the foam glued in, and I am sorting out the final track plan.

Pictures will follow.
