Thanks to glen for the heads up, there were two grain trains over the now threatened Pinnaroo line.
GM43 GM42 and 2210 with a loaded Grain #3152, on Friday.
Two trains ran over the weekend, Friday and Saturday, this was the same weekend of the Adelaide model railway exhibition. So I combined both into the weekend!
Early on Friday train number 1351 was already at Grain Flows facility at Pinnaroo. The high speed loader doing its job the train is already half loaded!
Even Earlier that morning out of Oyen I stumbled on a PN empty grain with XR558 X41 and G531, and yes some storm light! BTW the bakery in Oyen has some of the best pies and sausage rolls, highly recommended.
ALF19 was added at Tailem Bend, and combined with GM43 GM42 and 2210 made short work of 31 grain hoppers, powering through Callington.
I got some detail shots of Pinnaroo, then we chased it back to Tailem Bend, counter meal done and dusted,
Inspirational operations!
If you want to see some video footage see the following links.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Enjoy more detail shots to come!