Hi All
Every now and then a location just screams out model me, Mukilteo Washington USA is one such location. It lends itself so well, out of gauge containers arrive via barge, and out of gauge cars arrive via a shunt move to Mukilteo. Mukilteo is located on a shelf next to Puget Sound, it is also the junction of a branch to Boeing's assembly plant at Paine Field. Both the cars and containers need to be shunted up to Paine Field and located in what only can be described as a very large "goods" shed.
Add to that the mainline is double track and has a Sounder station. Glen and I have been talking about a BNSF layout, and Mukilteo is just about perfect for the project.
A trio of Dash-9s are waiting at Mukilteo, on their way north to Everett, the Sounder station platform is to the Right. |
Three Dah-9's move north out of Mukilteo, across the coast heading for Everett. |
The Port of Everett facility that receives the Boeing over size containers, the crane could be operational Kibri version to further add realism. The well wagons seem to be captive to this traffic. |
A close up of the pier, the containers are very generic but should not be too hard to built in a production. |
Mukilteo looking south, the over pass leads to the ferry terminal, the facility to the right of the station is the remains of a oil terminal. |
A close up of the Boeing barge, there is a little lego type of look to this collection of out of gauge containers. |
The Ferry arriving a Mukilteo. |
Another shot of the pier. |
Mukilteo yard looking north, not the BLMA signal bridge. |
Mukilteo looking south, the branch to Paine Field is to the left. |
A container train bound for Everett, the branch is to the right and to the left is one of the TBCX cars, waiting to be delivered to Paine Field. |
out of Gauge cars waiting at Mukilteo, as you can see the yard is very compact, and thus lends itself quite well, for modeling. |
Boeing big "goods shed" at Paine Field |
An example of the trains around Everett, these two trains are heading east to Snohomish. The empty coal train is getting a fresh crew and will follow the general freight passing on the left. |
A Sounder interurban passenger arrives a Mukilteo, heading for Seattle. |
The Sounder station sign. |
The sounder interurban heading south, under the bridge, which would make a great scenic divider. The bridge looks like a RIX products would be a good fit. |
The caboose for propelling up the branch can be seen near the crane. |
Looking south. |
In Everett, is one of the Cabooses still in operation, these service the industries around Everett. |
The Major yard in Everett. The GP38 is set up for remote control. |
Note the Boeing cars set aside in the yard, so I guess that there would be a shunt movement from this yard to Mukilteo. |
A not quite "hard Stand" area, where a double stack train originates and heads south. |
One way to solve you layout transport problems!! |
The south end of the yard in Everett, It looks like BNSF segregate Boeing Traffic for the just in time deliveries. The Geep to the right is coupled to TBCX wagons. |
An example of the shunt power around Everett - Mukilteo. |
Google earth view of the Boeing Barge pier. |
Overview of the sounder station and yard Mukilteo. |
Here is an overall view of Mukilteo the Boeing slip is to the left. The Paine Field is in the middle of the picture. |
The abandoned oil terminal and pier. |
The yard at Paine Field, note the five pack to the right, and the very short run around, I think it will only hold a five pack. |
A close up of the yard, I would assume that the Turn table is to ensure that the end doors are facing the right way for delivery to the Boeing "goods shed" I have seen wagons also placed to the left of the road in front of the Goods shed. So that they can unload two wagons on each track. Obviously they can only unload end cars this way. Other cars require the tops to be removed vertically to unload. Thus an extra degree of difficulty, to shunting operations. |
Below is a link to some video and pictures of operations at Mukilteo and Paine Field. I can't believe that this locations has not been modelled by anyone in the USA.
So we might be doing a bit of a Lance Mindheim based on BNSF, and the Boeing Plant.
Updated with proposed trackplan and track diagram.
Here is the track schematic, which should give you an idea of the large amount of shunting operations this layout will involve.
Here is the proposed track diagram, you will note that the hidden track is dashed, given the location and the angle of attack to the sound, I should be able to hide the staging tracks without too much of a problem.
The only down side to this layout is the trees.
Anyway enjoy.
When was the original branch line laid up to boing field? Was it laid by BN or GN back in the day when it was Paine Field?