Hi All
The AN AFIY's were imported from the USA in 1986, in as is where is condition. Most were in TTX yellow others in brown, off loaded at Port Adelaide, and hauled to Port Augusta for repainting and service before entry into service. These wagons became available due to road laws changed in the USA which allowed 45ft trailers in universal service. Thus the 89ft flats could fit the new trailers but the 86ft TOFC cars became virtually obsolete overnight, AN therefore picked up these wagons, which could comfortably fit two 40ft. AN pushed these wagons into intermodal service to Alice Springs and Perth with great success's. AN purchased 45 wagons of 6 different designs. One of these designs is the straight C channel sided, this model can be effectively produced from a Walthers 89ft flat kit. I think this version is now out of production, with Walthers now producing the flat top version.
Attached are some shots of a couple of Walther 89ft flats that have been cut down to 86ft. With the kit, the first item to cut down is the weight. Drill a new hole for the repositioned bolster, then measuring back you can re cut the gap for the coupler pocket. To keep the integral strength of the wagon, cut the sections up in uneven locations. once you have cut all the sections up as shown, test fit the pieces to ensure that they fit. Please see additional picture, with an Athearn 86ft flat to show the new measurement.
In the walthers kit comes with different types of fifth wheel. For this version you will need the older fifth wheel, note the air jackscrew fitting on the base, this is the one you need to fit to your AFIY.
Finally to satisfy Doug's obsession with prototype pictures, please see three shots of the design for which the walthers flat car can be based on.
An there you have it an evening project that can give you another distinctive AN wagon.
We can discuss weathering etc later.
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