Sunday, October 17, 2010

Barcoola Rolling stock AQTY AFIY AFWY

Hi All

Here are some pix of some AQTY AFIY and AFWY's, One ex walthers 89ft, two ex Athearn 86ft flats.

The AQTY is built from a Steam Era VQCY kit, the 40ft Madson container is a walthers purchased as is. The 20ft container, is a Aline undecorated repainted yellow and custom decals "ASP bulk" The SPD 40ft half pack is a Photograph, attached to a purpose cut to size piece of wood. Wagon decals are custom, the rad spots are to designate high speed bogies.

The first wagon is a Walthers 89ft flat cut down to 86ft. The Fadelli and Woolies trailers are Trainorama, Photos of the actual trucks have been glued to the sides.

The second and third are Athearn 86ft. The trailers are again from Trainorama. The Woolworths Trailer is a BGM decal from a Tautliner. The Railex and the Ansett trailers are from Photos.

The "suitable to run in WA" decals etc are custom decals. The first two wagons have been painted a weathered green from the start, with Green you will find that the sun leaches out the yellow from the green, thus to make "pre-weathered" green, you need to add white and a touch of blue. Most of the AFIYs and AQTYs were painted in batches using six different weathered variations of green. Thus when in a consist you get the look of wagons in various different stages of weathering.

Finally a prototype shot of a Railex NT container. We have made a custom decal for this, and is part of the Barcoola roster. Most questions we get a exhibitions, in regard to this container "is it real?" we we can tell you without a doubt yes it is real.

Anyway enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. The Ansett trailers looks great. Its a shame no one does a decal of them as I would love it for my westliner!
