Saturday, January 29, 2011

AQWY articulation

Hi All

Attached are some shots of the techinque that we used, to connect the platforms of the AQWY together. The pins are made from PECO track pins cut to lenght, the connecting bar is Evergreen styrene.

When in operation the bar torques up and goes straight.



AQEY and one method of articulation.

Hi All

Again while browsing the net, a couple of modelers were wondering how we made our articulated wagons. There are three different versions, the AQEY, one of the first type I made back in 1990. Draw bar of the AQWY again back in 1991, and using spare parts from walthers kits.

Attached are some shots of an AQEY, all I used was two tongues built at different heights from the two platforms, and a small square of styrene as a locking nut. A hole was drilled through all three, and the two tongues were blinded to the width of the screw. The screw was fed through the bogie, both tongues and then screwed into the styrene keeper nut to hold it all together.



Fuel Tank wagons on Barcoola

Hi All

I have been browsing the net and noticed that there is a Gent from Wagga Wagga modeling the Osbourne area of Adelaide, obviously there is plenty of traffic originating from there including Mobil fuel for Alice Springs and in bound Mereenie Crude oil. Others include loco fuel both Broad Gauge and standard Gauge. Definitely a industrial area just begging to be modelled. We can detail the current tankers operating on Barcoola and future Alice Springs, which may of use for modeling purposes.

For modeling Osbourne or Alice Springs you are going to need a lot of tankers, the one advantage of modeling fuel industries is, a loaded tank wagon look just the same as an empty, thus very easy to model. For these type of wagons I am happy to be close enough, not because I am lazy but because if you are going to tackle a big project you need to look at phased modelling. Start with something that you are happy with that will surfice in the short term, to get things moving. Later you can replace these with more accurate replicas in the future at your own pace.

So to quickly outline some of the Fuel tankers in use:
ATSF yes i know they have two cells, but for the cost and running reliability the Proto 2000 10,000 Gallon type 21 riveted Tank Car is a dam good start. Tips replace the factory supplied couplings. The Kaddee number 5 might look a little over scale size but when shunting and in 20ft plus consists under heavy load their reliability is second to none.

The ATMY PTMY, The Atlas 23,900 Gal tank car, its got a slight fish belly which matches the prototype.
Modeling tips, replace the couplers, with Kadee number 5, only due to the Altas ones have a bad habit of occasionally locking open, when you least what it to.

The ATKY, The Atlas 17, 360 Gal Tank Car, again its got a fish belly, to match the prototype, These are going to be my Alice Springs project phase one stand ins until I do the good research on how to model the ATOY's in the most efficient way possible.

Anyway please see attached picture of the models.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ultra modern Barcoola rollingstock.

Hi All

Attached is a photo that might not seem too much at the moment, but this is the first 4 boxes of rolling stock dedicated to Ultra Modern Barcoola.

With in these boxes are 6 RRZYs, 3 kited RRXY's 12 FQWY, CQWYs Countless containers, and 19 walthers 48ft five packs. Additionally 19 IP cars which will be converted to ultra modern Ghan cars.

In the process of figuring out what I will keep and what I will get rid of, I found that I have more than enough American Limited bellows and replacement Steam Era Models wheel sets to service the 1993 era Relay vans and the ultra modern Relay vans and Ghan cars. Incidentally, I had a look at the latest GSR IP cars offerings from LIMA, and is it just me or do they have the wrong bogies fitted??

Anyway like all new projects this one will have to be by the numbers, I have had a discussion with Glen and he is happy to make various wagons dual era. i am not so sure, new Alice Springs layout will for some wagons require viewing from both sides so this will not be an option for Me.



New corner boards modified

Hi all

Its been a while between posts, due to Dougs wedding and the need to paint the house, its a long story and out of the scope of this blog. Never the less, attached are some shots of the modified corner boards for Barcoola MK2.25, with these in place the whole layout will be a tool box clip to together type of job.

All that remains is the addition of 3mm MDF base and 50mm foam and we are ready to go.

I have recently purchased the track of the fiddle yard, just waiting on the points to complete the rebuild, Brunnel Hobbies usually keeps micro engineering track in stock, just short of the points at the moment, so this is the only thing outstanding, the rest is ready to go.

Finally attached is a shot of a old united container which Glen spotted on the FWY, during our logistical exercise that was Dougs wedding. So the lesson here is always keep your eyes open you don't know what you will find.



Friday, January 14, 2011

doing a bit of a lance mindheim for the Alice Springs industrial area

Hi All
Attached are some pictures of a mock up of the Alice Springs industrial area. Taking a couple of tips from Lince Mindheim's web site, I have reduced the number of sidings slightly and increased the overall space for the industries, because the yard was set up so that industries on both sides of Ghan Road could be serviced by two Rail Fingers I have to figure out a way of ensuring there is enough access to the second set of sidings. I have drawn out the boundaries for each industrial site. On these two boards, we will have:
A junk yare at the start of Ghan Road northern side.
Adelaide Brighton Cement
over the other side of the drain,
Stratco - ARC Steel.
Southern side of Ghan Road
looks like a Mechanics shop, not sure I want this here at this time.
Trucking depot, of unknown name.
over the drain.
NQX NTFS depot.
I think for exhibition mode I will add another board with Ampol, Caltex and BP sidings the later's siding faces north thus will require a runaround as per prototype.

I am told that you can now get RC trucks in HO scale, this would add a different dimension to operations as alot of the intermodal operations are TOFC related, thus we could model the delivery of the Trailer directly to the depot. With a bit of practice, it could be a natural progression of layout operating sessions. Not sure if that means that the alocated "truck driver" would have to wear a stained blue singlet etc.

Anyway this means that the industrial area roads will have to be easy for an operator to drive a truck down. I will experiment......

You will also notice that I have repainted the train room. I will replace the ugly blinds and add a 4ft painted back drop over the top half of the walls this will also go over the windows. I am thinking of using some type of material or MDF, that can be removed if required with minimal damage to the current paint finish.



Thursday, January 6, 2011

WMGF wagons for Barcoola

Hi All

This has been an on going project, but attached are some pictures of the sides for 3 WMGF's I figured that if I could build the WMGF's then the rest of the triple deck car carriers would be easy. I had a discussion with a noted SP modeller, and he recommended that you paint and weather the sides and floors of any car carriers before they constructed, this is the easiest way.

I have also attached a picture of a RMWY, note the addition of wire panels to stop vandalism. The utes and station wagons would be great if we could get them in HO scale, but lets just say most manufactures focus is a little blurry on this one.

I have been collecting cars, and any of the metal casting cars are a definite out, they are just way too heavy, I have already tested it.

The WMGF was originally built as a double deck wagon, in the 1970s and replicas were delivered to NSW, both types were constructed by Midland workshops. In late 1980s an additional level was added.

Anyway Enjoy.


Barcoola's new fliddle yard is up

Hi All

Attached are some shots of the new Barcoola fiddle yard up and in its new location.

This new fiddle yard is a pattern on the old one, but extremely light. The board is only 37mm thick. Side total thickness is 70mm. Briefcase clips hold the boards together just like all the scenery boards.

When I was going to exhibitions, I would always check out the arrangements of various fiddle yards. And one fatal flaw was some operators put the storage tracks too close to each other. This is especially true with double stack or TOFC trains, you need to get your fingers around the base of the wagon, while being able to clear wagons on adjacent tracks. Please see attached a staged example.

Anyway even with the extra width between tracks, I still can fit 9 tracks in the fiddle yard. 8 standard gauge 1 proposed broad gauge (it always pays to plan ahead, its better to have the additional space and not need it, rather than need it and not have it.)

I completed new legs for the new fiddle yard boards, I have decided to build two legs for each board that is 6ft long, it just make it easier to man handle during set up and take down. I have already made up the pre cut timber kits for the additional legs, so when I get days off I can get straight into it.

You may also notice that the end boards, will have to be modified to match up with the new fiddle yard. I have accomplished some "exploratory surgery" to one of the corner boards, and all looks good to modify the foam boards.

Anyway enjoy.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Barcoola Happy NY for 2011 and whats in store

Hi All

hope you all had a Happy NYE 2010, and welcomed in 2011 in spectacular fashion.

Trivia questions answers:

Below is some Barcoola and AN trivia, answers next year.

How many kilometres has Barcoola travelled?
A. 1494 KMs
B. 3222 KMs
C. 4642 KMs.

Answer was B.

How many Trees are on Barcoola?
A. 0
B. 6 provided by Doug.
c. 57

Answer A, there currently are no trees only bushes.

How many exhibitions has Barcoola attended?

Answer 7.

AN trivia
That is the highest number 930 class on standard gauge, during the AN era?
A. 959
B. 961
C. 966

Answer C 966, while it never operated on Standard gauge was converted to standard to be a parts source for the DA rebuild program, thus was converted and sent up to Port Augusta.

Which class of locomotives were transferred to NRC for scrap value?
A. DL class.
B. EL class.
C. AN class.

Answer the AN class.

True or false:
Did a 600 class ever operate in Alice Springs during the AN era?

Answer: True 603 deputised at least twice as yard shunter. 1993 I think was the first occasion.

The train number 199, is the most famous fast freight between Chicago and LA, on the ATSF, what train in the AN system had the number 199?

A: short lived ADL ASP priority freight.
B: loaded Port Pirie train.
C: STD gauge trip train between Port Adelaide and Dry Creek north yard.

Answer: A.

Things in store for 2011, we are still looking at two exhibitions next year and will let you all know in advance if all goes well.

A new layout will be in the mix.

Ultra Modern Barcoola is slowly taking shape, Just started to allocate the rolling stock the other day. This will be a long process. In the new configuration Barcoola will have 67 metres or 216ft of clear fiddle yard standing room minimum, so that will take a while to fill. Going to exhibitions it is going to double the amount of rolling stock we take.

Doug will be getting married and we all can't wait for the bucks turn it going to be ripper.

Great to see everyone that the Andersons NYE, they always put on a good do.

So enjoy, and hope this decade is a success for all.
